to mekkanik and coolcolJ, what both of you are talking about is explosive strength. I am not going to disagree that olympic lifts help on explosive strength of jump or off the starting blocks in the beginning of a sprint.
I am talking about sheer speed as in fighting, or sprinting, weighlifting can be used to strengthen the muscles that are needed in recruitment. but if what you guys are saying is true no boxer should train by punching they should do olympic lifts. See the problem there, I am talking about sport related skills. To be fast in a certain sport, you need to train to be fast in that sport.
Example: when all I did was olympic lifts and powerlift I tryed to box an old friend of mine. I was an explosive fighter, I mean at 5'7.5 weighing 190 I could clean and jerk 205 for sets of 6 no problem, but when it came down to are match he beat the ever living shit out of me because I could punch fast enough, I lost the proficiency by not training for it.