I can pretty much guarantee that job was about as terrible a job as you can do.
Sure some jobs you might work in shittier conditions like alaskan fishing/crabbing.
Some jobs you might mop up cum off the floor or suck up waste from septic tanks.
But, pulling lumber on the chain is probably the MOST physically demanding job EVER. 4-2.5 hour shifts. Around 90% of the time you don't get an easy shift and many days you end up pulling your ass off all day. Imagine being expected to pull 20 foot pieces of 2x4 that are coming down a chain at about a foot a second and then imagine you have to pull 2-3 pieces together and then have a couple hundred more coming at you and there's about a foot space between each doubled up 20ft 2x4.....Then realize that the few vet's on the chain that have been doing it for 5+ years are all ex-cons and literally have no fucking choice because most places won't hire them and that is why they still slave their ass off doing the job. Then realize that even the most seasoned vet's routinely get fucking pissed because even these guys can't keep up with the amount of lumber you are expected to pull. I've seen the vets pull 6-7 pieces of 20ft 2x4 all at once. I don't know if you have any idea how hard something like that is to do, but it's insane.
No breaks if you get tired. I have never sweated so hard in my life and I'm confident I've worked harder than 99% of the bro's on this board.
I eat alot and as anyone who knows me knows I don't exactly eat super clean.
I lost 10lbs in 4 weeks. Not only that, but you can't leave the chain to take a piss or shit without people yelling and getting pissed because they don't have anyone budgeted to cover guys that have to use the bathroom so they have to stop the chain which cuts down on the pitiful bonus that everyone gets each check which really is a way for management to cap wages and not give raises. And when you got a pea bladder like me that makes life really suck BAD when you are literally busting your fucking ass and have to piss at the same time.
So ya, that's why I quit.
P.S. Not tryin to thread jack Glad.