Priority work for the tris def. helps...only issue is, if you have a solid bench day os a solid shoulders day with heavy presses, you are already getting a good triceps you dont need to start with your triceps.
priority work for the tris def. Helps...only issue is, if you have a solid bench day os a solid shoulders day with heavy presses, you are already getting a good triceps you dont need to start with your triceps.
Hey guys, longtime lurker and friend/gym partner of gladiator1987
Just to clarify the "routine" I am doing so to speak. Ive worked out for 5 years now and I feel I recognize how my body reacts and has reacted to different workout regimes in the past and I always feel good after doing 2 month high rep lower weight "break". I cant tell you what it does exactly but I notice that when I finish this type of routine and start lifting heavy again my joints/body really feel more compact I guess you could say. As opposed to just doing a 5x5 and increasing weight accordingly every week, my body just never feels that good at the end of it. Im bigger/stronger but my joints feel tired and sore. Now maybe thats completely normal honestly I dunno....I just typed this because I realize the theories behind all of this I just told David that because thats exactly how I feel, no theory here just fact.
In short when I use a high volume low weight routine as a pre-curser to my preferred heavy lifting routine the 5x5, my body feels better.
sup im starting my log again, just started the 5x5 to get back in it again. I havent squatted or deadlifted heavy for 4 months because of a groin injury that till hurts, but now i can do squats and deads pain free. I started the program light on my squats and deads just to be careful. My maxes are:
275x6 bench
275x5 squat
315x5 dead
175x5 btn military
205x5 pendlay row
Week 1 Day 1
Pendlay Row:
Good workout. I love 5x5 it always makes my workout go faster, and I feel my whole body is worked not just one bodypart. Squats easy, bench really easy, and pendlay rows were more difficult only because i switched my grip as wide as my bench grip. I always hear people say big strong back equals big bench and my rows have always been pretty lame, gonna work hard on these to get them up to where my bench is.
gl with it, yea ive been out for a while, not lifting consistently, im actually at 183lbs right now lol. but this should get me back to my old strength, i want a 225 btn military and a 455 deadlift and a 405 squat and a 365 bench again lol
gl with it, yea ive been out for a while, not lifting consistently, im actually at 183lbs right now lol. but this should get me back to my old strength, i want a 225 btn military and a 455 deadlift and a 405 squat and a 365 bench again lol
bro for real? I got weighed the other day and I was at 183 on the dot haha! I'm actually 6'1 now though so that's pretty skinny. Still I'm doing rotc now and I got a 291 out of 300 on the first pt test! Only 2 more situps and 24 seconds faster on the 2 mile and I'd be rocking a 300. I want my 445 deadlift back too