I can tell from your posts that you are a serous bodybuilder so Im going to give you a word of adivce:YOU HAVE GOT TO EAT MORE!! If thats all you are eating and you look like that if you ate right you really would be a beast.
2 x bodyweight protien
16-20 x bodyweight calories
2.5 x bodyweight carbs
.5 x bodyweight Fats
Here is the diet Im currently on I have revised it a little but you get the picture:
MEAL 1 8:00 A.M.
2 pkg oatmeal, 4 eggs wheat toast, milk 8oz= 870 cal. 101 carbs. 22 fat 44 pro.
MEAL 2 10:00 A.M.
Protein powder, 8 0z milk=480, 11 carbs, 5 fat, 90 pro
MEAL 3 12:00 P.M.
2 chicken breasts, 1 tuna sandwich, 1 pj=799 cal., 60 carbs., 22 fat, 112 pro.
MEAL 4 2:00 P.M.
Protein powder, 8 0z milk=480, 11 carbs, 5 fat, 90 pro
MEAL 5 4:00 P.M.
2 chicken breasts, 1 tuna sandwich=750 cal., 30 carbs., 6 fat, 100 pro.
MEAL 6 6:00 P.M.
10 oz lean red meat, 10 oz potatoes, 6 oz veggie, 8 oz milk= 1060 cal., 118 carbs., 27 fat, 90 pro.
MEAL 7 8:00 P.M.
Protein powder, 8 0z milk=480, 11 carbs, 5 fat, 90 pro
MEAL 8 10:00P.M.
2 chicken breasts, 4 cubes cheese, 1 serving nuts= 831 cal., 25 carbs,. 52 fat, 98 pro
144 FATS