more than likely it is a combination of things that results in an overload to your body that cuases it to lash back. THe more I think about it,,, it is more than likely all these factors thrown in together.
2) Slowed gastric emptying and blood shunting. Let's say exercise and digestion are competing for blood. Exercise wins and what hasn't left the stomach want to go somewhere.
3) Mucous membranes of the stomach lining could become irrated from it's contents sloshing around. Usually attributed to running or cycling, but still a possibility with weight training.
4) And lowered pH from exercise. Hmm...acidity! Let's the say the body is unable to buffer the acids, then nausea is a likely course of action.
Just kidding, I don't 'think' theres GH release after sex, testerone yes. It is a combination of everything, but scientific studies have shown that GH and testosterone are released under certain conditions during a workout (reps/sets/rest period/% of ORM etc) sometimes when I wake up from deep sleep (which is very unhealthy) I get the same feeling as when I do something really heavy in the gym. (Both GH release) But when I workout hungry of if I didn't breathe during deadlift and squats (last thing I'm thinking about) I get the nausea too, it happens randomly. There's nothing wrong with it though an endorphin high isn't too far away.
It has also been my experience that when going from one excercise to another in a "circuit training" type fashion, I am more apt to get light headed. This would give more truth to the "blood flow" theory.
Try doing Squats then go to pullups then do dips etc. I could get dizzy doing that. I think it`s from blood flow and blood pooling efficiencies/deficiencies.
Another one from left field- Does the "fight or flight" syndrome have anything to do with this? I used to get that at the dentist when given a shot with epinepherine (sp?) the doc used to tell me "all the blood pools in your legs" and you get sick.
2) Slowed gastric emptying and blood shunting. Let's say exercise and digestion are competing for blood. Exercise wins and what hasn't left the stomach want to go somewhere.
Anytime I get sick to mt stomach it is the timing or content of the days meals. Maybe I have been lifting too long to notice the gh thing but I can never remember being sick unless I ate too close to a workout, or too much, or a crappy meal ect.
Anytime I get sick to mt stomach it is the timing or content of the days meals. Maybe I have been lifting too long to notice the gh thing but I can never remember being sick unless I ate too close to a workout, or too much, or a crappy meal ect.
2) Slowed gastric emptying and blood shunting. Let's say exercise and digestion are competing for blood. Exercise wins and what hasn't left the stomach want to go somewhere.