^^^Stevesmi... BF hasn't increased to much. I started running the liquidex around week two because of bloat. My joints started hurting, so I have stopped. I have had no problems since. I think I just over reacted. I've gained close to 15 lbs and haven't even finished week four. Interested to see how this all turns out. My six pack has turned into a four pack lol. Not worried about it. I can get it back. Can't have the best of both worlds yet. My aggression is ridiculous. I almost thought about stopping the Dbol after week three, but have decided to run it out. One second I'm as happy as can be, and the next second I'm ready to rip someones head off. My step mom asked me if I was taking roids at Thanksgiving Dinner lol. She was just messin though. Unfortunately hair is starting to fall out. All of these symptoms (hair falling out, excessive aggression) all happened to me last time at week four. My hair just looks like its thinning, so I'm not worried about it. Its gonna go eventually anyways. If I don't get at least 8-10 hours of sleep, I am real lethargic. Could this be the prolactin/progesterone building up?? Deca dick still not a side effect. I get random wood for no frickin reason. My sex drive already through the roof, add some test in there and I'll screw just bout anything.
The manager at the gym offered me a job being a physical trainer yesturday. I took it as a compliment. Not my style though
O yea, my lower back pump is there 3/4 of the day. When it first showed up it was when doing squats. I thought it was my form, but my form is perfect. I get it just sitting down. Kinda annoying, but manageble