sorry to beat a dead horse here with another question about gyno but i have a technical question for anyone who is experienced with getting rid of gyno. i have been running liquid nolva ed @ 50mgs for a week and half and have noticed no difference yet in the lump under my nip. now i realized that im going to run out at this rate after just two weeks and im trying to decide what to do. i have two options. first, order more nolva and order some letro so i have it before i run out and start running the letro as well and continue with both for another two weeks to see if it helps. or, quit the nolva after it runs out and let my system recover for a month and try the novla letro cycle then. i am leaning towrads just ordering the letro and nolva and continuing on since my system is already fucked up and im feeling kinda shitty. i i figure might as well just get it over with. what do you guys think about this?