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Approved Log RoidRage69 Cutting Log

Ok so here are my photos just shy of 4 weeks since the end of the bulk. Was taken at 4 pm today at 267lbs fully bloated with 2000 cals cals consumed for the day. Not ideal time like the fasted photos at the beginning of this log but you can see the huge muscle mass that I’ve put on most noticeable in the chest delts. My legs are actually leaner looking and bigger as well. Would like to thank @PSL, @~Vision~, for having my back an opportunity to do this bulk with all their support behind me. Looking forward to seeing what is underneath all this fat in the coming months when I do my insane cutting cycle I have been planning. Next goal is a six pack and 600 lb deadlift. If any mod can close this log that would be great. Thank you all for watching this. 👍 IMG_4651.jpegIMG_4654.jpeg
Ok so here are my photos just shy of 4 weeks since the end of the bulk. Was taken at 4 pm today at 267lbs fully bloated with 2000 cals cals consumed for the day. Not ideal time like the fasted photos at the beginning of this log but you can see the huge muscle mass that I’ve put on most noticeable in the chest delts. My legs are actually leaner looking and bigger as well. Would like to thank @PSL, @~Vision~, and @gearhead for having my back an opportunity to do this bulk with all their support behind me. Looking forward to seeing what is underneath all this fat in the coming months when I do my insane cutting cycle I have been planning. Next goal is a six pack and 600 lb deadlift. If any mod can close this log that would be great. Thank you all for watching this. 👍 IMG_4651.jpegIMG_4654.jpeg
Please don’t close this thread. I just copied and pasted this from a different forum log. Keep this log going. Thank you!!!
Ok so here are my photos just shy of 4 weeks since the end of the bulk. Was taken at 4 pm today at 267lbs fully bloated with 2000 cals cals consumed for the day. Not ideal time like the fasted photos at the beginning of this log but you can see the huge muscle mass that I’ve put on most noticeable in the chest delts. My legs are actually leaner looking and bigger as well. Would like to thank @PSL, @~Vision~, and @gearhead for having my back an opportunity to do this bulk with all their support behind me. Looking forward to seeing what is underneath all this fat in the coming months when I do my insane cutting cycle I have been planning. Next goal is a six pack and 600 lb deadlift. If any mod can close this log that would be great. Thank you all for watching this. 👍 IMG_4651.jpegIMG_4654.jpeg
@RoidRage69 looking solid bro.......
Ok so here are my photos just shy of 4 weeks since the end of the bulk. Was taken at 4 pm today at 267lbs fully bloated with 2000 cals cals consumed for the day. Not ideal time like the fasted photos at the beginning of this log but you can see the huge muscle mass that I’ve put on most noticeable in the chest delts. My legs are actually leaner looking and bigger as well. Would like to thank @PSL, @~Vision~, for having my back an opportunity to do this bulk with all their support behind me. Looking forward to seeing what is underneath all this fat in the coming months when I do my insane cutting cycle I have been planning. Next goal is a six pack and 600 lb deadlift. If any mod can close this log that would be great. Thank you all for watching this. 👍 IMG_4651.jpegIMG_4654.jpeg
@RoidRage69 how much bodyfat lost here? i see even on a bulk you leaned out :)
@RoidRage69 how much bodyfat lost here? i see even on a bulk you leaned out :)
I figured I gained a little. I figure 15 lbs muscle and 5 lbs fat gained. IDK. My eyes are old so I am not sure. LOL. Its just a guess. I do know that my legs look leaner and they are bigger. My chest delts and arms are definitely bigger. Ive gained almost 2/3 inch on my arms and about an inch on my legs. My waste is a tiny bit bigger. One notch on my weight belt the last I used it but that was when I was over 270 a couple months ago so its possible I lost fat since. I mean right now I am a solid 20 lbs heavier than when I started this cycle and the cycle has been over for 4 weeks. I also stopped HGH over a week ago. My strength is also way up from where it was at the beginning of this cycle.
you've earned a lot of respect over the past couple months
you're proving it every day
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