@anotech right now in 205 and around 15-18% bf, I really have no idea, probably finish the season at a about 190-195 ish. I'm not looking to put on a bunch of size in the offseason just trim down to about 195 or so at 10-12% bf. As for the off season cycle I was considering EQ as it has exactly what I want from a cycle but with the detection time being 4-5 months that just won't work. I was thinking of doing some test prop and anavar but I really don't have a source anymore, Guy moved to another province. My off season will be about 20 weeks so I was thinking I'd cut to 6 weeks then stack helladrol and katanadrol for six and bulk like crazy to put on 10 or so pounds then cut for the last 4-6 after pct and whatnot.
@RickRock13 so you're saying GW is off limits but S4 and Osta will go undetected?
@Ballslee SARMS are definitely on the prohibited list but the weird thing is that not one player on my team has been tested yet I've heard that players on other teams have been, but thats just rumors. So I can't really tell if there's a pattern or not or even if there's any warning or whether they would do it at practice or what. Ephedrine even though I love it does seem to be too risky for my liking. Is IGF-1 undetectable?
Does anyone know if the test to epitest ratio would be affected enough to show a positive?
Yes, Ostarine and S4 are undetectable in tests (so far)