My dear, I'm a little older, and on my second husband, trust me on this: TIME TO SEND HUBBY BACK TO SCHOOL!!! Remind him what side the bread is buttered on! Okay, I'm sort of joking but not, it's just that sort of behavior/thinking on his behalf will only undermine and be detrimental to your whole relationship. Spending all day with kids and actually being a connected, involved parent/teacher/playmate is BAR NONE one of the most difficult things you can do.Gymgurl said:Shit...I have one of those hubby's that think I should only go to the gym during the day becasue it messes with his time when I go at night,.,,no mind we are not talking at this point do to a work related issue and last night I told him I was about done with the kids since I had my 3 and 2 extra all day....he looked at me and said you'd be one after 15 min.....HELLOOOOOOOOOOO I stay home with them all day and now I have no break becasue they are out of school!!!!!! Oh iam going to the back
I also throw in a vote for either A) day camp, seriously (the Y in our area had a very affordable program, and it's how my kid learned to swim) or B) find a new gym that has a daycare center.
You need a break from kids, you NEED to be able to blow off steam, you are entitled to that and frankly, working 8 hours OUTSIDE the home is a HELLUVA lot less stressful than spending HALF that time with 2 or more children under 10.