Tuesday 1-10-12: 5/3/1 Bench: 3x5
Bench Press
6x185 (lost count and did 6 apparently xD)
(5+2)=7x210 2 Rep PR!!!
Olympic Jerks
5x155 rested 15 sec then did a 6th rep
JM Press
1x8x75 (worked on tucking my elbows better)
Pendlay Rows
Face Pulls With Straight Bar
Good workout today! I was really happy to hit 7 reps with 210, even though I was going for 8, and if I hadn't exhaled too much and lost my arch I'm sure I could have hit 8. I'm pretty stoked because this is a 2 rep PR within 2-3 weeks, and it also bumps my predicted max up to around 255. I tried a slightly wider grip so that might have had something to do with it (moved middle finger to ring instead of ring finger).
On the jerks my shoulders got really fatigued, high rep jerks are basically cardio =/. I need to learn to rack it on my collar bones instead of holding it with my shoulders, while I catch my breath. My shoulders were super tired so the first time I went for a 6th rep I failed it, so I rested 15 sec and did that 6th rep, barely got it, so I knew not to try more.
JM Press was decent.
Pendlay Rows I did with virtually no kipping, did a 4th set because my trainer noticed my knees were super bent so even though I was rowing from the floor, it was still more of a traps than a lat row. I did the 4th set with pretty straight legs and a parallel back. I've noticed my flexibility is going way up, I can even keep my back straight with stiff legs now.
Finally Face pulls, I got a 20 lb PR, probably because I'm getting used to the awkward movement, so I'm better coordinated. Overall a great workout, deadlifts this Thursday.
On a side note I haven't been eating much in the mornings, that's why I generally prefer to train in the morning to get my metabolism going. I might start doing light cardio in the morning just to get blood flowing and appetite up. I weigh about 183-185 right now.