10-24-12: 3x3 Squats
Good Mornings
That's it, great session today. Decided to start 5/3/1 again because the 3x5 routine is not only boring, but it also just sucks having to do so many compound movements for so many different body parts for so many heavy sets across with the same weight, all in the same rep range. Had the best training session in weeks today, I've switched over to high bar squatting exclusively because it doesn't give me hip and back problems like low bar does (which is partially my fault, due to mediocre technique on low bar, partially not my fault, due to the awkward leverages of a short torso and long femurs-or maybe that is my fault

). High bar squats feel a million times better, and I felt really strong on them today, first time wearing a belt on these. I think I'll do what Ed Coan did and high bar squat for most of the year, and only low bar squat when I peak strength for meets. I can bear the hip/back problems for the short periods a peaking cycle entails. I'll still do dynamic low bar box squats to warm up for deadlifts so my technique shouldn't decay, and I'm doing GMs no matter what on high bar days to keep up my posterior chain strength, just not heavy enough to mess up my joints, but rather light weight, focus on the muscle, bodybuilding style.
Felt really strong today, 275 was supposed to be my 3 set, and I pushed it to 10 reps, might have even had 11, but 275x10 is a 30 lb PR. 315 was supposed to be 295 for singles, but I upped the weight and hit a solid triple. 225 was my drop down set, I was supposed to use 215 (70% of 305 training max), but I'm going to bump up the training max to 330 because 315 feels like a good 95% for my training max. My real max is probably around 345, but I'm going to use the low training max protocol, so I can hit higher reps. I just need to make sure 95% is heavy enough for the singles. Maybe I'll just pause them.
From what I understand, it seems like the majority of the year should be spent on higher reps, and the purpose of peaking cycles is to draw upon whatever latent limit strength lies underneath all the high reps, for the purpose of 1-2 weeks of being at max strength, where you would want to do a meet. I always thought you should train heavy all year and that peaking was stupid, but now I'm finally starting to understand, or at least I think I am. So again, that's what I'll do, train with high reps for most of the year, and just peak for meets.