Thanks guys! Yeah my roommate has class during the only time I'm free to go to the gym on Mon/Thurs, he can only come on Saturdays, so I usually go with this other guy from my floor, but I definitely want to help my roommate out and at least give him some advice for days when we can't lift together. I also gave him some girl advice, and he actually got some girls' numbers and met a new friend since we started lifting together so that's definitely progress!
About 5x5 vs 5/3/1, 5x5 you gain 5 lbs on every lift every time you perform it (in theory), but one can only progress for so long that way. Eventually linear gains will stop, so you have to switch to a slower program like 5/3/1, which has you gaining 5-10 lbs on each lift as opposed to 20-60 (60 for 3x/week squats), per month. I like 5/3/1 better because it accommodates for bad days in the gym, and it's more balanced in that you can throw in your own assistance work to target weak points, or to get some more hypertrophy/definition (sarcoplasmic growth) instead of just straight strength/mass (myofibrular growth). Just depends on where you're at in your training, right now I care mostly about strength and there's hopefully still linear gains to be made, so I'm going to milk linear progression as best I can, while maintaining my physique with a few low priority isolation lifts.
10-8-12: Low Bar/Bench/Rows
Low Bar Squat
135x10 thumbless/close grip
Barbell Rows
1x10x95 underhand
Power Clean
3x185 1 rep PR
1x205 20 lb PR
1x225 40 lb PR!!!
Today was a good day and a bad day. My buddy needed his bike and my bike is still broken (it's going to cost 50 bucks to fix which I need to save up for), so I had to walk to the gym. Wasn't as bad as I thought, it's only like 1-2 miles I'm estimating, when before I thought it was 3-4, but it still sucks carrying my gym bag that far. My shoulders are still sore as hell from inclines and dips on Saturday, which I"m sure is the reason why my bench sucked today. My hamstrings were also sore but my squat felt stronger than last week, even though it was 10 lbs heavier, only thing is my technique didn't feel as solid as usual, probably because I hadn't ridden a bike so my hips weren't as warmed up as I'm used to. Next time I walk to the gym I"ll just ride the exercise bike for a bit to warm up when I get there. Either way I"m glad my squat is going up again.
Bench sucked. Again it's probably because of dips/inclines, I'll just do dips and inclines on deadlift day instead and OHP on Saturday, since I'm used to OHP and don't get as sore from it, and it's on such a different plane from bench that even if it does effect it, it won't be as much. Plus doing dips after deads I'll be so tired that it will limit the weight I can use, and preserve my shoulders. I'll try 3x5x225 next week but if I can't get it I'll drop down to 4x4. I hate working with under 2 plates on bench, maybe it's stupid, maybe it's ego, or maybe I've milked all my linear potential out of the bench press, and have to switch to 5/3/1 for it. I've been benching for 2.5 years after all. I'll figure it out, as long as the weight goes up and I'm getting a good amount of volume I should be good (volume is another reason why it might serve me well to switch to 5/3/1 for bench.)
Rows also sucked, my traps have been really sore lately, so I just did them all bodybuilding style, focusing on the muscle instead of the movement. I might just keep doing bodybuilding style for pendlay rows and strength for weighted chins, the strength curve on chin ups is better for strength work anyways, you can have a grinder and still make the rep, instead of everything having to be dynamic.
I was really pissed off going to the gym today because of some outside stuff, and even more pissed off after having a sh*tty bench and row, so I decided to throw around some weight on power cleans so I could at least feel better leaving the gym than going in. I was surprised with how strong I felt. My last warm up set with 165 felt heavy, so I switched to hook grip, surprisingly pain free, and smashed my previous 2 rep PR with plenty left in the tank. I decided to max out and got 205. It felt so easy that I decided to see if I could clean 2 plates. I didn't bring my camera to the gym but I got it on my phone camera, I don't have my connector cable but I'll see if I can text it to my email or something so I can put it up. Technique was really good on these too (except the last one where I almost feel forward), caught it right on the collar bones in a front squat position, wasn't supporting it with the arms at all, and didn't reverse curl it. Only thing is I barely squat down to catch it, so I was racking it in basically a completely standing upright position. Still, it was all hips, which is good. I really hope I can get the video up, this is my first lift I"m proud of in a long time.