Grumpy Old Man
Grumpy Old Biker Bastard
I wasnt unemployed, i had a job lined up with my brother. I still have it lined up, hes just real busy since hes getting married this month and he moved from AZ to california. They knew that, everyone did and the dad still said yes and so did our counselors.
They could have said no, but its really not their choice. The parents dont want to see an unsuccesful marriage, but thats their selfish thinking. If the daughter wants to marry him because she loves him, then you haveto accept that. But these parents are so fuckin overbearing its ridiculous. Making mine and my exs decisions? WTF
And please musclemom stop with this bullshit about Jesus applauding me, I am christian but I am a sinner too. Im no better than anyone, i have no right to judge people. Only God does. So let him judge me will you? Holy shitim sick of that shit, I dont ever mean to say im better than anyone but just as much as im being a hypocrite, you are judging me at the same time by saying that stupid shit. Any guy in my position would want all the pussy in the world after getting left by his fiance after 4 1/2 years of being together. Fuck off
Actually from reading your posts you are not only a provaricator & twit I think you are really, really, really challenged mentally and emotionally.
You have come up with some of the most off the wall crap I have ever had to spell check.
Good luck to the girl that decided not to hook her wagon to your star. She made a informed and intellignet decision. I can't imagine how vacuous you are in person. Really I can't!