b fold the truth said:
Well...put 155-185 on the bar and do it as fast as you can... Rest a few minutes then put 275-300 on there and see if your negative speed is the same. I've always been stronger at a slightly slower speed than my speed sets. As the weight feels lighters I can take it faster...
B True
i guess that makes sense. im my secrets of wsb bench press videos has highlights and they all bring the bar down slow. i just figured becuase everyone was doing over 600lbs plus the bench shirt......... but i guess its eaiser to keep your form with heavy weight on the way down if you go slower. that probably explains tuesday. i benched 185 for 10 sets of 3. then 275 x 1. and missed 295. i was still going fast. or trying to anyways.
thank you , oh great one.