Hannibal, maybe you could offer some insight on to my problem with powerlifting. All my big 3 have gone up in the last year except for bench. I gave up on the flat bench completely. At 5 foot 8, 176 at 9%bf, my lifts are: Deadlift 365 for a single (done yesterday), Squat 305 with butt to calves for 2 reps, and a pathetic bench of 225 for one rep struggling. I don't use a belt for any of my lifts, and to be quite honest, I don't really have a powerlifters routine, more of a typical higher rep bodybuilders workout. But it drives me crazy to see guys at my gym weighing 20 lbs LESS than me benching 40 lbs MORE than me. I don't want to turn into one of these really fat powerlifters just to get a bigger bench, but some power techniques would be nice. My back development far exceeds my chest development. It's almost aggravating.