when is your next comp?
I showed your picture to my hubby and he said...No way is she 52.
I'm waiting for the day when I can stand there and look like that(I have along way to go) Simply awesome!!
You're going to look amazing, I won't doubt that! you're very consistent.
Week 2, Back-Traps
Exercise Rep Counts
Bent-Over Row (Barbell) 2 warm up sets as many as you want
4 work sets 55x15, 64x12, 65x15, 65x15
Chin-ups wide & narrow grip 3 work sets 50x15, 50x12, 50x12
Seated Cable Row 2 warm up sets as many as you want
4 work sets 70x15, 55x20, 80x15, 65x15
2 warm up sets as many as you want
DB Pullover 4 work sets 30x12, 30x12, 35x10, 35x10
Standing rope cable row 4 work sets 30x15, 30x15, 42.515, 50x15
Barbell Shrug 4 work sets 95x20, 115x20, 135x15, 95x20
DB Shrug 4 work sets 35x20, 35x20, 35x20, 35x10
Cardio: 30 minutes treadmil at 3.2 at an 11% incline.