Ladies here, I want to say thank u deeply from my heart!
Here is one of my story, I haven't talked about it before...
Last year, I suffered from allergic prurigo. I did a allergen test and the result is I was allergic on milk, egg, soy, seafood and even rice! As I hadn't been allergic before, the doctor couldn't give me any reason of that and only gave me some medicine and told me not to eat those food anymore. And that made the allergic even more serious day after day... This is the damn cycle: eating without those food, still allergic, eating medicine, no allergic, eating, allergic,medicine,no allergic......SO, what happened? not only allergic but also malnourished...
Seems that doctor couldn't help me, so what should I do???
About 3 month ago, I began to do workout and eating clean (I began to eat milk, egg, soymilk,seafood....whatever I want to eat! Why? My heart told me that I need them.)At first, still allergic, but I didn't take the damn medine anymore.
Now, it's miraculous that no allergic anymore. I couldn't even rememeber when I really recovered. Now, I don't need to know how I recovered, I just know that doing workout and eating clean is what I will keep doing.