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Since I work out at the candyass(myself included) mecca of gyms, Ballys, I rarely see anyone bench anything notable. There's this one enormous dude who is never without his weight belt that says "Big Lou" on it. He's not enormous as in diesel, rather a big bulky Paul Bunyan looking guy except he has no legs at all. All he does is bench all the time and hits 315 for like 6 or 7 reps for his grand finale. Big Lou never really impressed me all that much because for someone who displaces as much air as he does when he moves around, I would've thought his bench would be higher. That and it's hard to respect people who don't train legs or even back for that matter.
Anyways we have this one freak trainer. His picture's up at the front desk from a recent bbing competition he won. He's a brother, about 5'6"-5'7" and probably around 200lbs. Dude is completely jacked, and he wears what I imagine is probably the smallest Ballys personal trainer shirt that Ballys offers. I imagine when he ordered his shirts, the conversation went like this:
Rippedness: "Oh you don't have these shirts in my size? That's cool...I can wear a lady's extra small. I'll take ten of them."
Ballys Hiring Manager: "Ok, Rippedness."
So he's always training this short, hairy Italian dude when I'm at the gym. I have to give him credit because he appears to be serious about this one client, and he makes him squat heavy(despite none of the squats going anywhere near parallel) and to clean and press. While he's training this guy, Rippedness always like to work in the opportunity for him to show the hirsute Mafioso proper form on the exercise using twice the weight that was originally on the bar.
This one time I saw him squat 500lbs. It wasn't all that impressive because he didn't hit parallel with it, but the psyching up process prior to the lift was entertaining. He was holding on to the racked bar and getting pissed at himself in the mirror directly in front of him, shaking it and pulling on it like an engraged orangutan trying to escape his cage. Then all of a sudden when he figured he had caught enough people's attention, he popped under the bar and did the lift.
So today he was once again training Fuzzy Vinny, and it was bench day. Naturally the training session came to the point where it was absolutely necessary for Rippedness to show him some bench technique that required 405 to be loaded onto the bar. So I finally saw a 4 plate bench executed. He then went on to do 410 immediately after that. I know I'll never hit that kind of weight on bench, so it was pretty cool to see.
Anyways we have this one freak trainer. His picture's up at the front desk from a recent bbing competition he won. He's a brother, about 5'6"-5'7" and probably around 200lbs. Dude is completely jacked, and he wears what I imagine is probably the smallest Ballys personal trainer shirt that Ballys offers. I imagine when he ordered his shirts, the conversation went like this:
Rippedness: "Oh you don't have these shirts in my size? That's cool...I can wear a lady's extra small. I'll take ten of them."
Ballys Hiring Manager: "Ok, Rippedness."
So he's always training this short, hairy Italian dude when I'm at the gym. I have to give him credit because he appears to be serious about this one client, and he makes him squat heavy(despite none of the squats going anywhere near parallel) and to clean and press. While he's training this guy, Rippedness always like to work in the opportunity for him to show the hirsute Mafioso proper form on the exercise using twice the weight that was originally on the bar.
This one time I saw him squat 500lbs. It wasn't all that impressive because he didn't hit parallel with it, but the psyching up process prior to the lift was entertaining. He was holding on to the racked bar and getting pissed at himself in the mirror directly in front of him, shaking it and pulling on it like an engraged orangutan trying to escape his cage. Then all of a sudden when he figured he had caught enough people's attention, he popped under the bar and did the lift.
So today he was once again training Fuzzy Vinny, and it was bench day. Naturally the training session came to the point where it was absolutely necessary for Rippedness to show him some bench technique that required 405 to be loaded onto the bar. So I finally saw a 4 plate bench executed. He then went on to do 410 immediately after that. I know I'll never hit that kind of weight on bench, so it was pretty cool to see.