Hmm... I spend maybe $200 a month. I get lots of my supplements free though, protein powders, etc, from a friend who works at GNC so that saves me a LOT of dough. Otherwise, I rarely eat out, and have a very bland diet. Oats, rice, liquid egg whites( less than $2 per 50g protein), cottage cheese, sometimes wheat bread, things like that. Oh and milk, couldn't live without milk. I drink the fat-free Atkins-approved milk now, really can't tell a difference, except it costs more, but has only 3g lactose instead of 12, and 12g protein instead of 8... great stuff to make shakes with! Oh I forgot, make that $300, I do have a gf now and I like to take her out every couple of weeks. She doesn't like to go out that much, thank god, neither do I, so we don't spend too much when we DO go out. Plus, she's 5'2", 101lbs, how much can she eat? lol
DAMN bruce you must make some mad money, can I come work with you?!