velvett said:I like how men are fighting on a thread about fat women and men's experiences having them sexually or not.
im not fighting with Dial Tone. Im pointing out his douchebagness.
god dammt its like you people are seriously at a 4th grade reading level. Re-read my original post and why I posted it.
it has nothing to do with who loves fatty and who doesnt. it has to do with him trying to be all Shaft and shit and try to be the buzzkill in this thread when everyone else is laughing their asses off, by pointing out the societal responsibility that "white men" (when he says that he probably means anybody who isnt black) have to not have a personal perference in whom they have sex with so that it isnt their fault for white women being bullemic or anorexic.
pointing out the scent of Summer's Eve in that, I was merely stating that he shouldn't drop serious issues like that where he has no idea what he is talkinga bout because I am an admitted recovering bullemic (sophomore year of college).
does THAT make sense anybody? guess not. let me get the crayons out. i'll be back