fill me in on the type of dieting you do bro.
ive basically neglected some stubborn fat ive had for a long ass time. I never really had the patience to diet it all down because i was afraid id look too small. i never get "fat", which is above 14-15%, because im an ecto but when i let myself go 4-5 years ago i put on a good bit of fat from not working out and eating crap for a couple of years. I got rid of most of it and added muscle but some still remained. Just annoying deposits on my chest, lower abs and love handles. not a ton...maybe 5-6 lbs total of pure fat but they way its distributed ruins my physique and makes me look soft without a shirt. i figure if i tear it all down it'll be easier to manage and hopefully the fat won't come back in the same way it did
i'm determined to just get super ripped now and get rid of these stupid deposits no matter how small i may look (until i carb up and start eating alot again).