SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!! (loud BudweiserSumerNationals voice guy)
Morning Weight: yep, forgot. by the time i got to the gym, i had breakfasted and done mucho agua, so the 226lbs on the scale was less than appealing. Will make the mark in the morning tomorrow.
Morning Cardio:
Easy Pace Ride:
a breazy sunny 45minute pace ride around the hills that make up this glorious region i live in. Joy is in the eyes that see, laughter in the ears that hear.
Food and Supps:
Light calorie day planned.. but hunger is chasing my fat ass around the beltway.
Daily Supps
A basic listing, some will vary according to diet, but mostly the same day to day, for now...
Two Cardio Breeze, 2x/Day
3 Sublingual B-12
YES on Face, abs, handles, chest and ass, once or twice/day
2 pumps AIFM, site rotates per application, On rising and bedtime
Glucorell R, as needed
Sesapure, 3-6 per day, depending on cals and willpowa....
4 Levorex, 3x/Day
4 GreenTea, 3x/Day
2 Trex, 3x/Day
2 Neurogenix, 3x/Day
Oxycalm, 3x/Day
2 Tylers LiverDetox, 3x/Day
1 TripleChlorophyl, 2x/Day
1 Tyr2, 3x/Day
2 AlCar, 3x/Day
Glucosamine/Chondroitin mix from GNC, 3x/Day
1 GNC Mega Mens Performance Pack
Meal One
One Turkey sausage, one chicken breast, some slivered almonds and some baby spinach.
Meal Two
Two glucorell followed by: PreWorkout beverage of Gatorade Option, Two Hammergels, One fat scoop of ISO AGB. Five PureCEE and one trex.
2 Ostrim Ostrich MeatStick Things and a Powercrunch
Meal Three
Meal Four
Meal Five
Total Food
3L thus far....
"How to totally flame out your legs in three easy moves" How mother of all that is wrong in the holyland, my legs are total jelly, thrice I approached the holy receptical over by the water fountain to hurl my Preworkout beverage, and yet, held back the yakking for good measure... shit... i am fried like a Montechristo at a bad diner.
Squats: 90 for 20, 135 for 20, 185 for 20, 185 for 20
Leg Press: 180 for 20, 270 for 20, 360 for 20, 450 for 20
Leg Extensions: 120 for 20, 160 for 20, 200 for 20
It was there that i had to stop. I couldnt focus my friggin eyes and had a vague idea that i might actually black out. I think you might describe this as HIIT. Yep. That'll do, pig, that'll do.\
Once again, in my attempt at uber-foolishness, attempted a minor after slaughtering the lamb that was my legs: did three sets of lateral raises and two front raises and gave up. Will do honor to shoulders tomorrow. I fought the fight today and the store is now closed.
To DO:
*set up more marvelous mayhem with my main man marvin the marvelous and masculine masseur. Deep tissue, there is none higher, sucka MC's will... yah.. you know the rest.
*do contest prep for a client
*get tickets to visit new client, if money transfer comes through...