very impressed ! just wondering if you have ever thought about lowering the bar on your back maybe an inch when squating to keep from having your back round on the heavier weights. it just seemed like it was kinda high in one of your vids when u missed that 700.
very impressed ! just wondering if you have ever thought about lowering the bar on your back maybe an inch when squating to keep from having your back round on the heavier weights. it just seemed like it was kinda high in one of your vids when u missed that 700.
nope its as low as it can go, good suggestion though. when i miss a heavy squat my hips just come out from under me (backwards) and my back rounds over, i think its a core weakness. happened at the meet i just did with 705 too, drove out of the hole, and then my ass went out from under me and rounded right over.
i really needed these two deload days, especially after mondays workout, im fuckin exhausted. Hopefully after the weekend ill have some energy and be able to hit upper hard.