Hey.....just wanted to know if any of you every overworked your abs with crunches and ended up with a poking belly. I was advised to work with this personal trainer/bodybuilder (not a bb myself..just trying to stay in shape so thought I'd inquire to bb women).The trainer insisted on crunches..so that my pumped belly out. I just had to end the workouts. Its nearly a year now and it just won't go back to being flat. I don't overeat, not overweight..veggies, water, I don't need colonics (thank goodness)...but if I relax there it goes sticking out. Although I am not fat by any stretch of the imagination. I figure maybe I should lower my body fat..since I gained some inches in the past few years...and it looks like the work with that trainer just pushed it to the edge. I do vacuums, yoga, I stay away from crunches that only get the top layer abs...for fear that it gets pumped anyways. How do I get rid of this belly problem? or have I just built by belly/abs into a permanent stomach-bicep?.