I have been reading too gain optimal mass reducing cardio is vital. But for example if i swim on the days i DO NOT work out. So I would workout everyother day, swim everyopther day aswell. You burn a shitload of calories working out, then down a shake after. What if you did this after cardio, lets say you eat 3000 cals, add cardio, burn like about 400. So during that day if you eat 400 = 3400 doesnt that replace the cals burned up? Does this make any sense??? For example eveything being equal swim burn 4oo cals, then down a shake with milk, pro, flax, some dextrose etc, then cancel each other out etc...??? Or does cardio, swimming in this case, hinder muscle growth? Swimming stretches the muslces after day of lifting, giving your heart some excercise too. little confusing, but i think i got the point across. What are your thoughts on this?