New member
Not really sure were to post this thread so I'll post it on the diet forum since diet is what gets us in shape.
You've all seen those pictures on magazines that Bill Phillips made a fad for the supplement companies. Before and after in a three moonth span. The before pics, they look very at and the after pics they look very defined. Is it really possible to make such a dramatic change in three months?
The reason I ask is because I am at 20% and need to desperately get back to 10%.
You've all seen those pictures on magazines that Bill Phillips made a fad for the supplement companies. Before and after in a three moonth span. The before pics, they look very at and the after pics they look very defined. Is it really possible to make such a dramatic change in three months?
The reason I ask is because I am at 20% and need to desperately get back to 10%.