im 5'10", 23 y/o idk about body fat but im 183-185 lbs. ive been training and workin out since freshman year football all the way through till now. i just havent been eating the best and now im tryin to get some mass before i might get on some gear...but that wont be for like another year. ok so heres my revised meal plan after reading all the replies thank you guys!!!
*****And again, i know i should be eating more chicken and eggs, and when i have the chance to i will make myself a big breakfast but since im limited on time i need more shakes....jus lettin all of u know
Morning: 4 cups milk
2 scoops ON serious mass
3 eggs
2 pieces toast
3 cups milk
Calories: 1,810 (!) or 860
Pre W/O: Gatorade (just to have carbs in me because im still full from the morning shake haha)
Calories: 125
Post W/O: 3 Scoops Big Blast Super Plasma Protein Mix
2.5 tbsp flaxseed
2 cups milk
Calories: 950
Brunch: chicken strips
vegetable plate
1/2 bag peanuts OR Almonds
V8 drink (i like this drink because its 100% juice with fruits and veggies)
Calories: 900
Afternoon: 2 pieces whole wheat bread
Protein bar
2 servings carrots
other 1/2 bag of peanuts
Calories: 1015
Dinner: Broccoli
Beef Tri-tip Pot roast or Fish and Chicken
Mashed Potatoes or Brown rice
2 cups milk
Calories: 1,070
Late Night: 4 pieces whole grain white bread
Broccoli (10 stems)
2 cups milk
V8 100% juice drink OR piece of fruit
Calories: 860
And ill take some fish oil, DX7 or Animal Pak (ive always like animal pak nelson but ill look at the DX7 idk anything about it), and my other supps like UNLEASHED, VIGOR, and laetrile (vitamin b-17, my moms husband that died before i was born was a doctor that gave people laetrile instead of kemo and he got thrown in jail numerous times by the government and he got fined millions because the government wants kemo to stay---kinda sad

) Anyway, hows the revision??