it has nothing to do with ketosis... I have never thought about doing anything remotely similar to ketosis and still I used to do my carb-ups twice per week and now once per week.
The thing is to apply the zig zag method of dieting (if you don't want to call it carb-up): you stay low cals for a number of days, say 4, then have a higher cals day (which normally is also higher carbs, because we crave them). With this you keep your bodys adaptation response at bay for much longer than with a straight low-cals diet.
It also has the added benefit of having you look for something in your diet (your high cals-day).
In my example (and I know this doesn't apply to your weight), I was doing 2000,2000,2000, 2550, 2000, 2000, 2550 (as in MO til Sun)... on the 2550 cal days I would increase carbs all the way to the 250+grs and decrease fats considerably too.
with the cals you are doing, you can try with a high-cal day of 2000-2200 and see how it goes. If you feel guilty about eating that many carbs in one day: Do LEGS or BACK on that day (with increased weights, you can try a 5x5 routine only those days) and some good long cardio afterward.... You will be heavier the day after (you hold 3 grams of water per gr of CHO you take), but in 2 days you are back in your weight or lower.