Interesting thread. I will weigh in on this one too. I am a powerlifter, and while I do not eat clean (sorry Spatts, I know you have told me to eat better) I am very concerned about my diet none the less.
I eat at least 6 meals per day. I make sure that every single one of them has protein, preferably at least 35 to 40 grams per meal, and then whatever else falls in is fine too. As of this writing I am 238 to 240 lbs. I competed for over a year at 220, and have decided to move up a weight class.
Funny thing is, tho, even tho I am not going to be confused with a bodybuilder, I am not any fatter at 240ish than I was at 220ish. When I wake up in the morning I can see the top 2 to 4 abs outlined. As I eat and drink throughout the day, I see them less and less and by the time I roll into the rack I am a pudgy dough boy once again. Same for when I compete. I am waterlogged and smooth when lifting and that is best for me.
I have shared a couple of meals with Spatts (jealous?) and can attest to her bodybuilder-esque eating habits. But then again, I don't know too many ladies with thighs within an inch or two of my own, who have a 6 pack (this I am jealous of).
As for her training partner, The Project, who by the way eats way more than you would think. He just thought he was a big eater until he got to see Mr. Denny's himself (me) go at it. Ha ha. I can only imagine what going out to eat with DBCooper, or BFold or some of the big fellas here a bouts would be like.
And although it may not look like it, I do in fact train biceps. I find I have much less tendonitis when I train them, and who doesn't want a good looking set of guns. I may be hauling a keg instead of a 6-pack, but I still want some serious pipes to be sticking out of the sleeves of my shirt.
Oh, and Spatts is right re: cutting a powerlifter down and muscle mass. Even tho I am a fat ass right now. At five seven and around 15% bodyfat, if I cut to 5% (if that is possible for me) and lost 24lbs of fat I would be a ripped to the bone 216 lbs at five seven. Not pro bodybuilder stuff, but not too bad for a gym rat either.