Elite Bodybuilder
Hey I was just curious have you ever done front squats with clean grip? In your videos you use arms across the chest. I've been using that too but I just started using clean grip and it hurt my wrists. Just wondering what you're thoughts were on both styles. Also, why do you hate bench press? It looks like you're weakest lift in comparison. I think you need to arch your back a little more, as Paul had better bench formWhat does he bench regular flat vs his 300 "crazy" style?
Whoa...thats a lot of questions. I'll answer them (to the best that I can and if I don't, ask me to re-explain myself) one by one:
1.) I have tried to do Front Squats with a clean grip. However, I have flexibility issues. So I do not use a clean grip. I do, however, use a modified clean grip as suggested out here: General Strength Training: Front Squat vs Backsquat and to illustrate this, check out this image:
2.) My thoughts regarding both styles? Umm...I like the cross grip because it feels better on my shoulders. I suffer from genetically lose shoulder joints and I have had many many dislocations on both shoulders. So, for me the crosswise grip works. BUT, I also like the clean grip using the straps (since I don't have much wrist flexibility). Really, it depends on which one you start with. The drawback with the Crosswise grip is that it becomes harder to maintain with heavier (this is a relative term, I know) weights.
3.) I hate the bench press because it hurts my shoulders. Since I have lose shoulder joints, the bench press is painful on my shoulders at times. I prefer CGBP a hella lot more. But, because I have this discomfort with bench, I focus a lot more on military press. I just managed to hit a 185 lbs strict military press weighing @ 190 lbs: IronScene | Powerlifting Videos I have a 185 lbs press (or 175 on a bad day) and a measly 225 lbs bench (or 210 on a bad day). I just don't find it comfortable which is why I am very slow and steady on that lift. I don't care much about it either so I don't stress too much over it.
4.) I do need to arch my back more but it hurts...Paul does have awesome form (not too good though because he needs to use more leg drive) because he did a LOT of pressing in his initial lifting. He used to be a bencher for the longest time lol... hahaha... Paul has a regular flat bench of 320 lbs. He weighs 220 lbs but if he was to compete he'd drop to 198 lbs (not that that matters in the least).
Am I making sense?