Yes and no bro...I did go through the selection process with New Jersey. I got to the psych interview. i ould have passed, but was dismissed on account I needed n expungement. I was told to re-apply or could apeal. A lot of guys going in have arrest records for whateveras it turns out. It all goes by case-to case basis, and "non felony" charges are th limit. Types of misnomeanors they may/will pass. All depends...Everything is taken into consideration, including timeframe, charge, and what you have been doing since. I have talked to a ton of cops and LE personell about this and they all tell me an expungement helps. I am pissed I did not get this ealier...This practice though is not uncommon. Turns out a lot of guys have it done. Now, chances are not great with this crap sine I have to list anyway, but expungement is needed for legal reasons. See if a civilian has a case with an officer, and you go to court, the civilian's lawyer will try to dig up dirt on the oficer.... he will probe into his records...if expunged,...nothing will show for him,..only accessible to/for L.E/ police personnel since the files are sealed and unaccessible after expungement for public record. If not expunged,...well, it looks bad for the dept. since the civilin's lawyer will get his arrest record. There are limits, to what you could have done in your past. I believe no felony arrests, and agree to that. I have 2 petty shit things, and I have ben told there will be hope aftr i get this done...