I'll tell you - when you are making serious strength gains it really pays to be eating for muscle. That's the first 5 weeks basically. Carbs really help with the gains.
Well, you are lighter but almost every measurment is up significantly so you got some solid body recomposition going on and that's pretty staggering considering you started at 10% bodyfat and around this mark and below pulling this off becomes almost impossible and really slashes potential muscle gain.
I guess there's no point in thinking about how much muscle you may have packed on if you were working in caloric surplus the whole time but seeing you managed that feat starting at 10% and actually restricted calories as evidence by weight loss - it makes me really wonder. At the same time if you feel strongly about adding muscle I think you are really better off not knowing though.
Still, starting at 10%, under caloric restriction as evidenced by net weight loss, increasing measurements significantly and getting a lot stronger is a real testament to your efforts here. You had to work hard to make that happen.