Sure I expected that the increase in cardio would help me loose more weight, but I've went from 194 to 186 in just about 2 weeks. Considering the fact that before I was only loosing about 2 pounds a week HIIT is amazing. I have my own variation of the routine which is,
5 min walking (warm up)
5 min jogging
1.5 min sprint
5 min jogging
1.5 sprint
5 min jogging
5 min walking
2 min sprint (if i can)
Total cardio time, 30 mins
The way I do it might not be considered HIIT anymore, but hey it's kicking my ass.
Oh and i only do it 3 days a week, I just walk for 15 mins on leg days.
5 min walking (warm up)
5 min jogging
1.5 min sprint
5 min jogging
1.5 sprint
5 min jogging
5 min walking
2 min sprint (if i can)
Total cardio time, 30 mins
The way I do it might not be considered HIIT anymore, but hey it's kicking my ass.