hey bros, here's the stats and the story. Im 5'11 220lbs 6-7%bf, 27 yrs old, been working out for 11 years. i dieted hard, i look amazing , real lean and great size. im training 6x a wk, i lowered my cardio to 30min 3x a wk, my diet is extremely clean,
My goal is to maintain the shape Im in, stop the cutting and maybe a slowly bulk without getting fat before summer is over. so do i keep taking the fat burners? cut cardio down even lower or just eat more? my trainer is away for a while so i need some input.
please reply from vets only thanks in advance
My goal is to maintain the shape Im in, stop the cutting and maybe a slowly bulk without getting fat before summer is over. so do i keep taking the fat burners? cut cardio down even lower or just eat more? my trainer is away for a while so i need some input.
please reply from vets only thanks in advance