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Approved Log My 55yo TRT and Cutting Log

Hola everyone, old guy here... never would have envisioned posting my own log here but @the_alcatraz talked me into it. Here are some stats:
6-0, 191 lbs.
150mg/wk Sustanon for TRT (about 5 years)
Lift 4-6 days/wk, depending on other athletics
Indoor soccer 1-2x/wk
Yoga 2-3x/wk
Recent bloodwork, Total test 834, free 131, estradiol 19. Cholesterol 177. Liver counts all normal.
Give blood every 4 months to keep RBC under control.
Diet: currently fasting until 2pm about 5 days/wk. Can't fast on soccer days, it just doesn't work.

Goals: lean up to prepare for a Test-Primo-Anavar run this fall. I want to get in the best body comp shape of my life. I've already dropped about 15 lbs of body weight over the last year, has to have been mostly fat. I am still an undisciplined eater but much better than I used to be. I would like to further clean that up.

I have lifted heavy and cycled in the past but just got back into the gym ~3 years ago (divorce, lol). I feel as good, physically, as I have in 25 years. Did a low-volume Test-Primo cycle last year that ended in January and loved the outcome.

Photos and more updates to come...
@LukaMagic Amazing start to the log.........
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