Week 10 - Day 2 - Nov 30th -
Squat - 4x5 - 150x5, 175x5, 200x5, 200x5
Inclines - 4x5 - 135x5, 160x5, 185x5, 210x5
Deadlift - 4x5 - 160x5, 200x5, 240x5, 280x5
Barbell Shrugs - 1x135x8, 1x205x8, 1x225x8
On a side note, I started taking Amplify02-xt and PureMcc today, I took 9 caps today for my first dosage, normally I lift at 9-10am, today I had to lift at 4pm because of the snow. I felt a little laggy and tired, but about 25mins after taking the amp02 I felt great and ready to lift. I was a little worried about my inclines today, as it's a PR for me, all 5 reps went up with ease, I attribute this at least partway to the amp and puremcc. There actually is a better sense of concentration even from the first dose of the amp, and a better energy level without feeling shaky or cracked out. Now, Im not really into caring about getting a great pump when lifting, if it happens it happens...but I don't base my gains or how good my workout was on the pump I got, thats just stupid, and I see a lot guys who thats all they live for..this is not an exageration, I had to wait almost 10 minutes between my 3rd and 4th set on deads because my lower back pump was too crazy for me to bend over. It will be interesting to feel on day 3 when I do my arm sets. I'm looking forward to see how my strength is affected over the next couple weeks by adding these two supps in, I will keep posting, and I think they will be a good gauge as most of my lifts are getting hard for me, and I'm in week 10 of my 5x5 training.