You want advice from someone that has been there huh? OPEN YOUR EYES! We have been there, or may be I should just speak for myself here. I am dealing with the consequences of exaclty what you are thinking about doing! I had the same exact feeling to run out and do what my buds were doing. Stupidest thing that I have ever done. Might have lost the best thing that ever happened to me plus my house! Worse than that, I am dealing with myself and being humiliated over what I have done. What kind of example did I set to those that looked up to me? don't think anybody looks up to you huh? Look a little harder bud. You went back to her and felt the way you did because you love her dude. The other temptations are human nature. It is up to us how we deal with them. If you remove yourself from the internet sites the temptaions go too. TX bondsman has already told you the best advice about your relationship. Improve on what you have. She loves you too man. She will be more than willing, and probably really enjoy, changing things up. You just might be surprised what you find in there. You haven't even tried it. Neither did I. You would have no problem making the right decision if you were in my position or the position of most of the people that have already given you advice on here. They know what they are talking about because of those experiences. To bad we are usually to dumb unless we go through this ourselves. You know what is best, so do it. You will be happy with yourself most of all.