you know what BOXHDN.. your one of the biggest cock blocks ive ever seen...quit wishing for somebody to catch an STI/STD.. not everyone elses fault that u cheated on your only girlfriend in your life and caught herpes...dont gotta spread ur bad luck around to everybody else man..makes me sick to think of what guys have come to now a basically box..fuck off man..ur just discouraging him more, obviously if u have the urge to do it with this other girl markshark, your gonna do it. if you dont, then you wont. plain and simple, whatever the situation may be, if been around your corner once or twice in my life and ill admit to you, yeah it caused alot of problems b/w the relationship, no my gf never found out but its your OWN guilt that is the concern, and 2nd off, ive never been more fulfilled in my life then when i sneak around. i feel like a special ops man goin on a 10 year mission..everything planned out perfectly lol. either way, yes your gonna have an extremely fun night(well, if shes not 500lbs and nasty), and your not gonna regret doing it for your own well being..your regret will follow if you DONT do it..its 8 months man..u know how many people on this board that have told you not to cheat, have cheated themselves?the reason they say not to is because they got caught or had bad expeiriences with it..its all on how u make it to be. just wrap it up, dont get a disease, dont get her pregnant..its that simple. take it easy, and if i were u, id be fuckin this bitch in a hotel room right now haha..have fun man.