well i am following your protocol so id be dum not to take ur advice, but glad to see youve taken a interest in my LOG
25g 1inches it is
im sure these will be fine on the tricep heads, its the inner bicep im worried about coz that mother fuker hurts
think i might be purchasing 1-2 more bottles of sytherol in this case if the 25g pins work magicaly and the size piles back on
anyways remeasured my arms today
there back up to 18.9inches
from looking at my arms i can see most the size has come from my triceps, my biceps havent put on alot of size, presuming its coz my needle was to short considering my triceps were the major lacking muscle group
anyways jabbing tonight, so shall update yous on how it goes
thank god i have a beautiful girlfriend who will do tese injections for me after sex. although i know shes gonna yell at me wen i say i need to use a bigger needle
shes as sexy as she is insane