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Hey gents created this summer May 20th to October Light Cutting Diet. Currently I’m 6’ 200lbs around 10-11% bfat…Looking to keep muscle/strength through summer and shed about 3-5lbs of fat. I train 5x/week and do cardio 4x/week that being incline walking on treadmill upon waking. Wont be using AAS through summer but will use multivitamins, glutamine, creatine.. Any critique or suggestions id love to hear..thanks guys open for suggestions.
Meal 1 1 cup egg whites, 2/3 cup Oats, 1 scoop whey, 2 whole eggs, 1 apple
Cal: 700 p:70.4 c: 70 f: 15.5
Meal 2 Tuna Bagel + 3 tbsp Natty Pb
Cal:780 P:55 C:64 F:33
PWO SHAKE Meal 3 ---2 scoop whey ,½ cup oats
Cal:391 P: 52.3 C:36 F:9
PPWO Meal 4 Med. Tub No Fat C Cheese+ Pinapple Chunks
Cal: 520 P: 61 C:60 F:3
Meal 5 : 2 Chicken Breast ,1 Zuchini
CAL: 352 P:48 C:28 F: 5
Meal 6: Pre Bed Shake: 4 tbsp Natty PB , 2 scoop whey
CAL: 620 P: 66 C:14 F:35
Full Diet Day 3363 P: 352 C: 264 F: 100.5
Meal 1 1 cup egg whites, 2/3 cup Oats, 1 scoop whey, 2 whole eggs, 1 apple
Cal: 700 p:70.4 c: 70 f: 15.5
Meal 2 Tuna Bagel + 3 tbsp Natty Pb
Cal:780 P:55 C:64 F:33
PWO SHAKE Meal 3 ---2 scoop whey ,½ cup oats
Cal:391 P: 52.3 C:36 F:9
PPWO Meal 4 Med. Tub No Fat C Cheese+ Pinapple Chunks
Cal: 520 P: 61 C:60 F:3
Meal 5 : 2 Chicken Breast ,1 Zuchini
CAL: 352 P:48 C:28 F: 5
Meal 6: Pre Bed Shake: 4 tbsp Natty PB , 2 scoop whey
CAL: 620 P: 66 C:14 F:35
Full Diet Day 3363 P: 352 C: 264 F: 100.5