i wake up constantly and am starving and usually always give in. i was about to turn to xanax and just decided not to. last night after workout i switched to food for pwo protien and had 8 egg whites 2 yolks and a bacon cheesburger, homecooked on whole wheat bread. about 830 that was and at 10 had a shake and i woke up to piss but made it through the night satisfied for the first time in a while. usually im up making peanut butter, natural, and sugar free jelly sandwiches, or yogurt. i always wake up period, when i used to smoke i'd just light up a smoke and get tired again and fall asleep, well, i switched over to food some point and am trying to break the habit. good luck cause it sucks, but taking a xanax does work. your sleeping so good you don't want to disrupt it with eating. hehe