So tonight was the first workout for the new program. Like last time when I started it was hard to generate the proper intensity so I did a lot of drop sets on my working sets. Forced reps or drop sets work well but after a few good workouts your body adapts and you learn to really generate some serious intensity. That is when the magic happens. You are keeping the volume low to moderate, the frequency is low but the intensity is 110%. So EVERY workout you are stronger and pushing your body further than before forcing it to adapt. After training like this or DC training it really makes you realize how low your intensity is when you are doing volume training. Volume training works but only for so long. Same for HIT.. You just have to switch it up. Try doing more than two or three sets of squats to complete failure.... Not going to happen unless your reps are very low. Three sets of ten to absolute failure when squatting is very taxing.
I did not record my weights today because I did so many damn drops I did not want to deal with it.
Smith machine presses
* 1×15 warmup set
* 1×12 warmup set
* 1×8-10 -I know for these I started with 245 and got 4 reps and then did four 20 lbs drops.
Seated laterals
* 1×12 warmup set
* 1×8-10 -For these I used 50's for 8
One-arm cable laterals
* 1×20 warmup set
* 1×8-10
Dumbbell Shrugs
* 1×12 warmup set
* 1×10-12 -I think I used 100's which were light but I went to failure.
Triceps pushdown
* 1×15 warmup set
* 1×12 warmup set
* 1×8-10 Went up to 120 on last set and did 4 drops, really toasted em.
Lying EZ-curl barbell extensions
* 1×12 warmup set
* 1×8-10 -Did 100 pounds, was feeling the pushdowns
One arm reverse pushdowns
*1x12 warmup set
*1 x8-10
Overall it was a good workout but I just couldn't summon the level of intensity I was training with like last time right off the bat. All you have to do is watch Dorian on youtube to know what I am talking about. You need a few workouts before your nervous system adapts.
Post workout was 60 grams whey and eight oatmeal cookies with 10 grams creatine monohydrate. Shorty after was six whole eggs and two cups oats (dry measure) with 16 oz 2% milk.