LOL - I have one of those 24 hr key access gyms 2 blocks from the house, a Precor in my basement in front of cable / hbo w/ DVD & sound system, and now this gym. And I still have to hire a trainer to get me excited about going to the gym. Talk about no motivation.
Anyway, diet is still tight, but not much appetite so I'm just rollign w/ it. Not really too concerned about losing muscle, although I'm supplementing w/ the Bev Int'l Ultra 40 liver tabs (protein pills basically) and aminos, so I'm covering myself pretty good that way. My ankles were very tender this morning from playing ball last nite. Hilarious - every little thing I do hurts later. I'm not THAT freekin old...
Current trainer schedule is Sunday, Tues, Fri. Carb up days will be Tues & Fri nite to support those lifting days. That keeps my lifting days pretty evenly spread out, and a kickboxing class on Wed and the rest will be various combinations of yoga, pilates, bosu, cardio, hoop'ing and what have you. Certainly not boring
Meal 1: 11 am (another night of crapola sleep resulting in oversleeping...)
1 whole egg + 4 egg whites
4 oz ground turkey
1/2 grapefruit
Meal 2: 2:30 pm
2 scoops protein mix
Meal 3: 5 pm
4 oz chicken
2 c salad
1 tbsp vinegar & oil
Meal 4: 9 pm
2 scoops protein mix
Meal 5: didn't have it
Training: upper body
- 5 min treadmill warmup
- DB incline press: 20/20 x 2
- DB curl: 10/20 alt + 10/20 both
- Preacher DB curl: 10/15 curl + 10/15 hammer x 2
- Preacher curl ez bar + resistance: 10/30 -- these sucked because my shoulder started to hurt :
note to self - rotator cuff warm ups before Sunday training...
- Incline cable flyes + DB: 15/20 + 10 lb cable resistance (hands facing) + 15/20+10 (thumbs facing)
- 10 pushups
- Superset Hammer Strength chest machines x 2
- upright press: 25/15
- low press: 25/15
- hi press: 25/15
- 1 min jumping jacks
- cable tricep press: 20/15 + cable overhead tri extension: 20/15
- Bench tri dips: 20 + triangle pushups (LMAO!) 10 -- these degraded to just negatives
- abs:
- fitball passes - legs to arms: 20
- supermans - alternating: 20 + full 20
- 45 min treadmill (30 min angle 8/speed 3.4, 15 min angle 11/speed 2.8)