OK the new avi is me trying to set my mind in the right place. And I want to throw out some MAJOR PROPS again to habitualhealth's new avi - god damn girl -- that is what a consistent diet & training will get for you!
I went to see King Kong tonite (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE!!!!!) and then snuck into the Aeon Flux show across the hall (mediocre movie - sort of reminds me of Logan's Run, if anyone remembers that...). I did that to clear my head and eat some damn popcorn. I've got "the meeting" tomorrow to get the company back on track and I expect to get the feeling of diving back into the exciting part of what my job was supposed to be. Also, as the location of our office will be in transition for a a few weeks and I won't be near my current gym, I think I'm gonna look at some other gyms & explore some other trainers. (I did get a vague offer from Flex Wheeler to give me a new diet after the new year.... but we'l see where that goes...)
I'm not sure if I can do the target show I had in mind on Feb 25, but I still have a goal of being well on the way to competition shape for the Arnold the following week. I have a feeling that my shit ball attitude will be jettisoned by the end of the day tomorrow. I am very excited to see a new direction professionally & personally. Very excited. I am tired of the ups & downs I've experienced professionally & personally over the last 5 yrs - and these have also be reflected in my weight gain / loss and my ability to do shows & recover from shows. I desperately look forward to maintaining a reasonable regular weight & bodyfat year round.
A few changes as a result of the upheavel at my job.
- not going to Buenos Aires for New Years - just not mentally into it & I see a SHITLOAD of work in my lap once the company direction gets set.
- not sure about hitting the figure show on Feb 25, but still plan to do figure.
- will probably explore a new gym in the next week or so
- looking for a new trainer. (please no more friggen drama...)
... I want to ENJOY training again.
I feel all this stuff coming in the next 24 hours.
Updates tomorrow! (later today I mean)