12/7/05 - obviously no daily updates or anything... time not permitting right now.
Two days in the gym now, no excessive soreness & working up 30 min, 40 min, 45 min tonite of cardio. Definitely going to be a bigger lean towards cardio & diet I think. As far as lifting, I've been doing a mental inventory of what I think needs work to balance out the "look" w/ a figure comp in mind. My general biggest issue is I'm "too big", but that will be part of the whole cardio & diet blitz.
Here's my personal analysis of what needs to get addressed aside from generally losing more bodyfat, esp in the waist, abs & legs:
- my biceps I think are amazing (I'm happy w/ them anyway), but relative to those, my triceps blow.
- I *LOVE* my rear double bicep pose (see avi), but my lat spread sux.
- My ass needs *LOTS* of work - genetically wide & chronologically saggy
- Want more shape in the hams / ass area
- My waist in general needs to downsize but my abs need to upsize.
I'm still kicking around a workout schedule right now, but though focus in going to be on cardio, I'm doing the following:
- the evil "warm ups" - step ups, walking lunges & sissy squats. Every day probably.
- looking at 2 days /week off lifting (not cardio) but looking at some pilates classes or a 3 DVD set I just bought.
- really focus on tricep burnout.
- abs 3x / week. - I'm trying to get off my weighted ab workout & more on the Shadow-style scissor kicky thing.
- Not sure what to do about my lat spread. Might just focus on making my waist smaller since there's no real "rear lat spread" in figure. It might just be my lat spread posing that sux too - so I'll be looking at that as well. My back is big enough.
Planned split (all include at least 1 cardio session / day):
Chest & Tris & Abs
Quads & some hams
Cardio + Pilates + Abs
Shoulders, Bis, Calves
Back, Glutes, Hams & Abs
Cardio & pilates or something
Cardio & pilates or something
LOL So we'll see how it goes....
Diet is good though!
Shoulders, Bis, Calves, Abs