HA HA..looks like I laugh last.
Every guy in the gym is sucking my d*ck asking about the bands. 2 guys bought some already (mini's) which I thought was a positive until I saw them curling with the bands and not doing any power or speed movements.
And every girl is on my dills (which is not necessarily bad) because I showed a bunch of them some abdominal movements with bands which demolished their abs.
Some bodybuilder guy came up to me the other day after I was doing heavy close grip board presses. He said to me "no offense but I am bigger and more muscular than you, and I can't lift the weight your using," I explained to him that I was stronger than him because I trained for strength, not for the beach, not for the girls, and not for the mirror (like he was training). He just didn't get it. He seemed distraught and just walked away, luckily I didn;t tell him I was using close grip for tri's and even worse I was doing sets of 5. He also asked about the boards..but lets face it...I'm tired of explaining the boards and the bands.
I guess when your a kid you learn about the Birds and the Bees and when your a powerlifter you learn about the Boards and the Bands.
Go figure.
Again, just sensless rambling here people.