|D_J^B_J| said:It seems there are conflicting opinions on the absorption of glutamine in its isolated state.
This is from Nelson Montana:
"Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue. That gave muscle mogal Bill Phillips a great idea. Sell that angle to bodybuilders and they'll buy tons of glutamine! There's only one problem. You can't absorb glutamine in an isolated state. His response? So what! Sell it anyway!
You see, glutamine is a non-essential amino acid. That DOES NOT mean you don't need it. What "non-essential" means is that the body converts it from other amino acids. In the case of glutamine, the body akes it mostly from Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. (The branch chain amino acids). So, in essense, if you eat a high protein diet consisting of eggs, whey protein and meat, you get all the BCAAs and all the gluamine you can possibly absorb. Yet, a 100 grams of pure glutamine (one bottle of Twin Labs Glutamine Fuel) is wound up with just a couple of useable grams. That's the dumbest waste of money I can think of."
So according to Nelson, one requires an extremely large amount of isolated glutamine taken orally in order for just a small amount to be absorbed by the body.
Thanks |D_J^B_J| !
That's what I meant
L-Glutamine is just one of those overhyped marketing supplement that "works" in theory but is pretty much useless in practises
JustJacked, your article just says that you need to eat protein
that's outsanding news
Save your money, my friend, and buy creatine