24 years old 6 foot, 172lbs, 10% bodyfat.
Just finished a 12 week course of 500mg per week Test enath, cutting cycle. Now on 2 x Tomoxifen and 500iu HCG per day post course.
How should i structure my training, should i step down the sets etc, or keep up the heavy 60 minute long workouts?
Weights 4 days per week. splitting body parts. 2 mild cardio 40 minutes.
How about food, eating 3500kcal 300+ protein 250+ carbs 100+ fats
Also taking:
AIFM (Starting monday when it arrives with 1 tomoxifen)
Creatine starting monday
I know it covers a lot of fields but any suggestions would help big time.
Just finished a 12 week course of 500mg per week Test enath, cutting cycle. Now on 2 x Tomoxifen and 500iu HCG per day post course.
How should i structure my training, should i step down the sets etc, or keep up the heavy 60 minute long workouts?
Weights 4 days per week. splitting body parts. 2 mild cardio 40 minutes.
How about food, eating 3500kcal 300+ protein 250+ carbs 100+ fats
Also taking:
AIFM (Starting monday when it arrives with 1 tomoxifen)
Creatine starting monday
I know it covers a lot of fields but any suggestions would help big time.