New member
75 gms of Cell -Tech, followed by my post workout shake which consists of 50gms Isopure protein, 130gms Maltodextrin, 2 tbs flax oil, 2tbs glutamine, mixed with water...You WILL grow from that. Then an hour later a low fat meal like Sushi. Youll have to adjust your requirments I wiegh 214lbs @ 5-6 % BF, 5'9
You may disagree with 2sick but people are a bit keen to slag him off and call him stupid. You may think he's wrong, you think its not logical but he's offering an opinion, which the thread asked for!
We all know the whey + dextrose theory and have all benefited from it. (As for maltodex I thought it was added for being less sweet, I haven't seen reasons for why it is better/worse/synergistic with dextrose.) But we shouldn't be too quick to slag 2sick off. Remember when high protein came back in favour mid-nineties, scientific theory followed practice. Bodybuilders were being slagged off for moving away from high-carb diets- their reason? Becasue the protein worked and they didn't care if the science said different.
Ronnie Coleman adds olive oil to his PWshakes it hasn't turned him into the Michelin man. I've started adding a teaspoon of olive oil and a teeaspoon of cod liver oil. As ever the results are hard to judge, I think I've benefited by maybe its just a placebo affect.
You may disagree with 2sick but people are a bit keen to slag him off and call him stupid. You may think he's wrong, you think its not logical but he's offering an opinion, which the thread asked for!
We all know the whey + dextrose theory and have all benefited from it. (As for maltodex I thought it was added for being less sweet, I haven't seen reasons for why it is better/worse/synergistic with dextrose.) But we shouldn't be too quick to slag 2sick off. Remember when high protein came back in favour mid-nineties, scientific theory followed practice. Bodybuilders were being slagged off for moving away from high-carb diets- their reason? Becasue the protein worked and they didn't care if the science said different.
Ronnie Coleman adds olive oil to his PWshakes it hasn't turned him into the Michelin man. I've started adding a teaspoon of olive oil and a teeaspoon of cod liver oil. As ever the results are hard to judge, I think I've benefited by maybe its just a placebo affect.